StomperNet Live9 – March 25-28, 2010

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It's official ... sorta ... I am no longer a faculty member of StomperNet ... keep reading. Depending on who you ask, this will result in some combination of congratulations, condolences, condescension, cacophony, cat calls, cussing or other c-words … [Continue reading]


There is a new StomperNet in town, same name, but a very different game.  The first was a company devoted to teaching and community.  The new one is not. "StomperNew" is really a software tools wholesaler with an attached speaker's bureau. … [Continue reading]

SEO Brain Trust – What’s that You Ask?

Dan Thies and I are doing a free webinar tomorrow (Sept 16, 2009).  See the talking points here and opt-in to get the login details emailed later today!  Stay put to the end -- like how could you leave?!??  :-) -- and we'll tell you … [Continue reading]

“I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it Bob”

For more than two years now I have been working "full time" - a common euphemism for not sleeping - in StomperNet operations.  Just last week I turned over the last of these  responsibilities to other people.  WooHoo! Now … [Continue reading]

The Purported Death of PageRank Sculpting

During the recent SMX-Advanced conference in Seattle - which I was not able to attend (I do occasionally have to work for a living) - there was a confusion of reports of comments attributed to Matt Cutts that resulted in the provocative (outlandish … [Continue reading]

Do People Choose Features or do Features Choose People?

Classically, we think of product features providing benefits that consumers weigh and contrast relative to competing products in making a buying decision. What happens when you turn this around? How do your product features act to select the … [Continue reading]

Extortion SEO – Take 2

Do a search for cydcor.  This is a company that employs a large face-to-face sales force so it naturally gets a high profile in the public because of contact with potential customers and employees alike so sure enough there are complaints.  … [Continue reading]

Extortion SEO

It was just a matter of time until the so-called "democratic nature of the web" developed precisely the same problems that caused our founding fathers to eliminate democracy as a viable form of government for these United States.  … [Continue reading]

“…Google will determine…”? Not on my site!

In the StomperNet forums today I responded to a member who noticed a Google post here. Reproduced here is my acidic response. That was the most useless, vague, non-actionable and *irresponsible* post I have EVER seen from Google. It looks like … [Continue reading]