Here I am (at left) with some good friends and workout partners helping and cheering a fellow student at testing.
A do jang scene
Testing Committee for my 3rd dan test
In August of 2005 I tested for — and passed 🙂 — my 3rd dan promotion test in tae kwon do. Here is the testing committee.
Left to right are Master J.K Kim, Grand Master B.C. Kim (my instructor), Master Lim, and Master Park. With all due respect to tkd instructors the world over, I believe that a finer collection of TKD talent you will not find anywhere.
Some special friends
Boards actually do hit back
Bruce Lee said "Boards don’t hit back" — which made for a great movie line, but it ain’t quite so: Newton’s laws assure us that boards hit us back with a force equal to how hard we hit them. Fine as far as it goes, and not much help either. The trick ultimately is to do it fast and let the derivatives do work on the relatively inflexible materials we break while doing little or no damage to the highly flexible body structures we use to break with.
This esoteric description is neither necessary nor ultimately particularly helpful in actually breaking stuff — that’s purely about doing it, no matter what your brain tells you ;-).
Here are some samples of my breaking from my 3rd dan promotion [click’em to take a closer look].
Smiling through the pain
A certain amount of testing is just figuring out what you can make yourself do when you obviously can’t do anything more. To highten the tension, and thereby make everything more difficult, every test is different and the specifics of any challenges invented by the testing committee seemingly on the fly.
Case in point: Master Lim had already directed the 1st dan candidates to do 100 kicks and the 2nd dan folks 200 kicks so it is logical that for 3rd dan we should do 300 kicks. Here I am near the end of that ordeal gutting out the last of them. This picture catches me smiling — other moments might show more of a scowl, but I find the smile generally feels better.
Group shot
(non)Martial Arts
In the beginning, one can reasonably presume that the martial arts were intended as a means to train for martial purposes, aka, battle, but today, such a position is generally not founded.
This is not a "bad thing".
The role the arts play in today’s society could more correctly be described as a means to train to avoid battle in at least two respects.
First, the development and channeling of martial skill has a real tendency to satisfy an inherent need for combat and thereby divert it from venues less safe for such demonstration — bars being a common example.
Moreover, martial arts is far more than a physical skill. If this were not true, lifting weights is just as good. But on the contrary, training for combat, mock or otherwise, leads to a set of attitudes and a physical self carriage that repells would-be attackers.
Of course, neither of these effects is 100% in any case, nor is either effect even present in some cases, but on balance, our modern day training for unarmed combat will more often than not result in less actual combat, which is just fine by me, ’cause practice is way more safe than the real thing.